Thursday, August 16, 2007

A God Sized Vision...

The Legacy Discipleship Conference just ended last Saturday (the 11th). I think that it went really well, and that people were both impacted and challenged. I could probably write 6 or 7 blogs about it. Shortly after the conference I revisited a book that I had started previously but never finished. The book is entitled "Tally Ho The Fox" by Herb Hodges (I am still not far enough into the book to discover where that title comes from.) The first chapter focuses on having spiritual vision. I just wanted to share few quotes...
"The Creator-God of the Bible never lacks giant creative ideas, but where are His common saints who are seeing from His viewpoint strategically, and getting on their hearts strategically what God has on His (pg 8)?" Hodges later asks, "Christian, is your vision God-big for his glory? Where are the plans, the dreams, the visions, the strategies for total world impact that truly tax the miracle resources of God? Where is the strategy that requires ongoing miracles for its sustenance? Where is the vision that is so big that human resources (whatever the kind or amount) cannot possibly sponsor it? The only eternity-sized vision any of us will ever need is in the Great Commission given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ. If your pulpit is not obsessed with the terms "make disciples" and "all nations," how can God possibly be expected to put Heaven's approval upon it? Without this magnificent obsession, the pulpit of your church is marked by "no vision (pg 17)."
Father God, strengthen my faith. I want to be a man that dreams dreams for You..."God-sized dreams for Your glory."

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