Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Theology of Brokenness

I was first exposed to this when I bought the Ambassador's album "The Chop Chop" a couple of years ago now. I have just been reminded of this afresh in the last month or so as God has been humbling me (breaking me) and reminding me of just how dependent I am upon Him. In the Gospel of John, it says that those who bear fruit, God prunes so that more fruit can be born. The end result is beautiful, in that God is glorified and the believer experiences true joy in Christ. But the process...whew!

Listen to this sermon track. I have also tried to copy most of the words below.

A Theology of Brokenness by Pastor Eric Mason

If you are going to walk in the implications of the Gospel, then you’re gonna have to be married to the understanding of the principle of brokenness.

Brokenness is the mark of a person that is qualified to be used by God. But at the end of the day people that are being used by God in a crazy way, in an off the meter way are people that have been cracked at, who have been lunged at by God and God has done something to them.

Broken can mean…
Devoid of arrogance

Brokenness, based on the Scriptures, is the spiritual state by which one is disarmed of one’s self dependence and pride, therefore leaving one disabled and in desperate need of help, thereby making one a viable conduit for the glory of Christ.

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