Monday, October 08, 2007

A New Start

Two weeks ago my lap top computer was stolen out of the ministry office. It was stolen in the early evening, but it was discovered as missing until the following morning. I was definitely mad and frustrated when I noticed that it was missing...and realized that it had been stolen. Now I know that stuff is just stuff, and I like to think that I am not materialistic (at least I try not to be). But it wasn't just the missing computer that made me upset. I was most upset about the things that I had stored on the computer: pictures, music, Bible studies, messages, etc. Much of my work over the last 5 years or so was saved on that computer. I later discovered that I had some of my work backed up on my flash drive, but not everything could be retrieved. I have prayed that my computer might be returned. I have prayed for the young man who I think took it. I have also asked God to show me the lesson in it. I'm not trying to over-spiritualize the situation, but I think this circumstance is an indicator that it's time for a new start. It's time to seek God and to create some new stuff...some "fresh manna" as Dr. Fuder calls it. It's time for some new Bible studies and some new messages.

Thank God for insurance. I was able to purchase a new lap top yesterday. Therefore, I hope to get back into blogging on a more regular basis...

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