Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Pushing Through

Right now I am in a weird place somewhat. I just turned 30 years old! A few years ago that seemed "really old" to me, and I wasn't looking forward to reaching that milestone, but now I have embraced it and "I feel great." I am as busy as I have ever been with ministry, and I am loving what I am doing. I love the new tutoring program that I am coordinating, I love the guys that I have the opportunity to disciple right now. I have been living in the Woodlawn neighborhood for just over a year now, and the south side for almost 4 years, and I love where I live. Although I have my moments when I am really frustrated in my singleness, overall I feel pretty content and confident that God's got me, and that marriage and a family will come when it is time. I am surrounded by some great friends and co-workers

However, sometimes in the midst of all of this I feel unsettled. Sometimes I feel anxious. Sometimes I struggle with doubt. Sometimes my faith isn't that strong. Lately, I have been feeling a sense of spiritual weariness. My devotional life lacks a sense of passion. I feel like I am doing it more out of a sense of obligation rather than because I am thirsty for it. I am reminded of a quote that Dr. Fuder used to share. I think Stephen Olford said it. He said, sometimes that you have to "push through until duty becomes delight." Last week I was reading through the Psalms where David repeatedly says that he "delights" in God's laws, or his precepts, or his truth. I was convicted, because as I read it, I knew that I couldn't make those same claims right now.

I think this is what faith is really all about...."pushing through until duty becomes delight."


allan said...

Push on through brother. As Alicia Keys says it best, "hold on, just a while longer."
p.s I think she is single isn't she? Mmmhhh..

Aaron said...

Man Dave you have no idea how much this post has blessed me and made me think. The "pushing through until duty becomes delight" quote has brought forth great thoughts and self examination. Sugar and I discussed it today. Thanks man!


Grace and Peace,

Lisa said...


Thank you for sharing this. Sometimes in "suburbia" church everyone comes and goes and acts like life is perfect. It starts to feel like maybe I'm the only Christian who must struggle with valleys in life.

I really like the quote you shared. Our senior pastor has a quote something like..."You can tell someone is a true Christ follower because even in the dark times, you can see the joy in their eyes" I've not seen your eyes often, but I have a feeling that would hold true for you!

I thought it was kind of ironic your post included a comparison to David. He definitely had his ups and downs in life. I recently read I & II Samuel and picked out many lessons in David's life that I know God was wanting to show me.

I will be praying for your spiritual strength and delight.


Dave Clark said...

Your a world changer.

You too.

Thanks for the encouragement. I like your pastor's quote too. I might steal that one:)