This past weekend I had the opportunity to preach on Micah 6:8 at New Hope Fellowship in Lawton MI. This Scripture has had a big impact on my life and philosophy of ministry (and the ministry of Sunshine) over the past 9 years or so that I have become familiar with it. Preaching from it, gave me the chance to really dig into the book of Micah and see the big picture of the book and just how Micah 6:8 fits into the context of the book (I definitely recommend reading the book of Micah!). I am still chewing on what it means to truly live out the "Micah marks of grace" found in Micah 6:8. Below is a summary of my message from Sunday...
"Do You Micah 6:8"
Passage: Micah 6:1-8
The Context:
(1)Verses 1-3 = The LORD presents His case against His people
(2)Verses 4-5 = The LORD reminds them of all that He has done on their behalf
(3)Verses 6-7 = The Big Question: “What does the LORD require?
(4)Verse 8 = Our Response to His Redemptive Work
The Micah Marks of Grace
(1)Justice (do justice)
Justice (Hebrew “mishpat”) is much more than legal equity; it refers to the entire scope of God’s government of His world. Thus to “do justice” involves, on the part of government, a fair and just use of power and proper functioning of a fair judicial system, especially to protect the weak from the strong. On the part of individuals, “justice” involves honest and fair business dealings and faithfulness to keep one’s word, as well as not taking advantage of the poor or those with less power or protection.
We must contend for justice individually and corporately, personally and systemically!
(2)Mercy (love kindness)
Mercy is the Hebrew word “checed” (pronounced hesed) which means goodness, kindness, and steadfast love.
"The Gospels are filled with stories of Jesus touching those declared untouchable, speaking to those who were not to be spoken to, befriending those who were thought not to deserve a friend.” - taken from United By Faith
(3)Faithfulness (walk humbly with your God)
(a)One cannot “walk humbly with God” apart from a relationship with Jesus.
(b)A Biblical view of who God is will always lead to humility
(c)We must disciple others to walk humbly with God
Consider this…
67% of the world’s population does not know God (the Lost)
40% of the world’s population lives on less than $2/day (the Least of these)
People are poor (in Scripture & in life) for 3 reasons:
2)Personal Tragedy/Calamity
3)Personal Sin
People who are experiencing injustice and oppression need others to contend for justice (personal & systemic)!
People who are reeling after a personal tragedy need others to lavish mercy on them!
People who are in bondage to personal sin need to have their eyes opened to what it means to humbly walk with God!
Do you Micah 6:8?
1 comment:
Insightful yet again. I love where you land when it comes to communicating truth about justice and service. I'm continually shaped by not only the things that I am learning but also the realizations of the misconceptions and mistakes I make. I pray that I Micah 6:8 everyday.
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