Friday, October 14, 2011

Bloodlines Documentary: Race & Grace

John Piper has a new book out entitled "Bloodlines." You can read more about it here. He also made a short documentary film, introducing the book and his personal story behind it. I really appreciate his transparency about the "deep inconsistencies" he saw in his own life, his family, his church, and the "system" in which he grew up. I also love his emphasis on the Gospel and how it cleanses, forgives, and puts to death the "old racist nature." I encourage you to watch this short documentary...

May we be a people and a church who devote our lives to "Christ exalting racial harmony" and who contend for racial justice, and may it all be driven by the Gospel!


Linda Hargrove said...

Thanks for sharing this video. I have known of Dr. Piper for many years but didn't know about his history (with racism and adoption). Being an adoptive mother and writer with a passion for racial reconciliation, I was deeply moved by the images and words. Amazing God!

So glad I found your site today. Another great book on oneness is Dr. Tony Evans's "Oneness Embraced".

Dave Clark said...

Hey Linda, glad you liked the video as well. I have watched it a few times and it makes me well up every time.

You are a writer? What have you written on reconciliation? I would love to check it out!

My fiance has a copy of "Oneness Embraced" and I am looking forward to reading it soon!

Two of my favorite books on reconciliation are "Reconciliation Blues" by Ed Gilbreath and "More Than Equals" by Spencer Perkins and Chris Rice. Have you read these?