Friday, September 05, 2008

The Lion & The Lamb

During my time in South Africa we visited a "Lion Park" and Krueger National Park. We were fortunate to see lions at both places. Allan encouraged us after the lion park to think about and discuss ways in which lions are mentioned in Scripture.

I did a little searching and one of the most powerful images of lions in Scripture is where Christ is referred to as "the Lion of the tribe of Judah" in Revelation 5:5 (this makes me think of Aslan from Narnia). I looked deeper into this passage in a study Bible, and was really blessed by what I found...

"God's purposes of redemption and rule can be accomplished only through One who is uniquely worthy: Jesus Christ. He is simultaneously the fierce Lion of the tribe of Judah, warring against God's enemies (Revelation 19:11-21; 17:14), and the gentle Lamb that has been slain, purchasing His people with the blood of His atoning sacrifice (Revelation 5:9-10)."

It reminds me of the lyrics in Chris Tomlin's song...

The Lion and the Lamb, The Lion and the Lamb....How Great Is Our God!


Aaron said...

Who's Chris Tomlin?


Dave Clark said...

Chris Tomlin is the guy who wrote/sings...
How Great Is Our God, Famous One, Amazing Grace (My Chaings Are Gone), Indescribable

What is Shaaaaa...Khuuuuuu??

Anonymous said...

"Tell me where will you stand when the One saw as a Lamb shows He's a lion and worship is all that He demands"

- Json (Sho's Maranatha)

Dave Clark said...

I couldn't remember exactly how that went, that's the one tho!

Aaron said...

Shaaa...Khuuu is my attempt to write out the expression that me, you, and others do on a regular.

Maybe it shoud chuuu...khaaaa or something like that. You know what I am talking about man!

I was joking about Chris Tomlin and then followed it by that expression but obviously you missed it.

That's dumb!