Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Balanced Political Perspective

The health care debate seems to have highlighted our nation's political divide. I continue to get emails, see facebook status updates, news reports, etc. - that make me cringe. Especially as Christians, I wish we could agree that the health care system is unjust. There are too many people who simply cannot afford quality health care. What saddens me in this is the ongoing ASSUMPTION that low income families and those who cannot afford health care are lazy. Where does this "I work hard for mine" and "they don't" mindset come from?! There is so much self-righteousness and so little grace in spoken and unspoken sentiments such as these. So whether we approve of a government run health care system or not, we should all agree that major health care reform is needed.

There are two blogs that I read frequently that recently posted write-ups on politics that I think are on point, well thought through, and gracious. Joel Hamernick at his blog entitled City Grace, wrote a post entitled "The Church Caused (and could undo) Big Government." Pastor Lance, at his blog entitled Blaque Tulip, wrote a post entitled "Divided By Politics."

I would love to hear feedback on these posts if you decide to check them out.


Sarah said...

"And I must pay particular attention to how I regard and respect my elected officials. For me to belittle, demean or seek to humiliate anyone for any reason is to promote and endorse the very thing my King is against"--Blaque Tulip.com

"Regarding my political positions I could be wrong. I don't have all the information, cannot possibly with 100% accuracy predict the future, cannot be absolutely sure of everyone's motives and intentions and therefore should approach any political discussion with a measure of humility."---Blaque Tulip.com

I think both of those quotes provide a sound example of how we as Christians are to engage opposition to the ideas and political standings that we hold dear. Both of those quotes are also very lofty goals, as is the rest of the Christian walk. I know that when Bush was in office, I did not hold back all my disrespectful tirades about exactly how I felt about his conduct and have since had to repent. To stand in opposition with something, not matter how heinous the offense, we are never excused from repping the love of Christ and His desire to serve. This is a lesson that I learn over and over, no matter the situation we are to strive to point others to Christ.

Aaron said...

Sounds kind of liberal to me.